What do you think of when you hear the name Benidorm? Sun? Sand? Alcohol? Crazy Karaoke and free shows in local bars?

Probably all of that and more. But here’s the thing…… despite all of its obvious attractions, when you scratch the surface, there is another side. Loneliness, depression, fear and worry.

But isn’t that true of all of us? On the outside we may appear to have life all sorted, but on the inside we are full of doubts and worries. Most people lack a deep inner peace - a peace that is unshakeable no matter what life throws at them.

La Cruz de Bendirom

Where is that PEACE to be found?

Up on the hill overlooking Benidorm, is the famous CROSS.  It’s worth a visit. It towers over the town and offers spectacular views of the surrounding countryside. It is really worth going up there and having a look for yourself.

But there is something symbolic about it.  The cross on the hill speaks to us of the real cross on the real hill. Jesus Christ died on the cross on Calvary’s hill.  Right there in that moment he paid for our sins – he took them upon himself. He cried “IT IS FINISHED” Why?

If you confess your sins to him and turn away from them, (the Bible calls that ‘REPENTANCE’) he will receive you and forgive you.  No matter what you’ve done, he will assure you of a future with him forever.  That’s the path to real peace.

Here it is in one glorious sentence…..

“For God so loved the world that he gave His One and only Son, that whoever believes in him should not

perish but have everlasting life” (John 3 v 16 in the Bible)